On Thursday I decided to take a spontanious trip to Greensboros to take a tour of UNCG, where I'm thinking about attending next fall. The campus is lovely, and I hope they will accept my application. I'm really excited to transfer, community college has been great but I feel its lacking in the areas I'm interested in [I mean I can't even take French, let alone anything to do with Fashion Design]. UNCG has an amazing history. It was founded as a women's college in 1891 by Charles Duncan McIver, who was a crusader for the cause of women's education. He thought, "If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family."
black blazer:thrifted floral dress: belk shoes: oldnavy
I see these pictures, and I really want longer hair again. I'm actively growing mine out as we speak !!